Track time & expense

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.”

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EmployEz dashboard
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How it works

We handle data, you focus on your business

Project-Based Timesheets

Our system offers project-based timesheets, providing a detailed view of how employees spend their time on specific projects.

EmployEz illustration for Project-Based Timesheets
  • Time Tracking

    Employees can log the time they spend on different tasks within a project. This helps in accurately tracking project progress and individual contributions.

  • Real-Time Updates

    Timesheets are updated in real-time, providing an up-to-date overview of the time spent on each project.

  • Customizable Categories

    You can customize the categories within the timesheet to match the unique needs of each project. Categories could include different tasks, phases of the project, or types of work.

  • Effort Estimation

    By analyzing the time logged for different tasks, teams can better estimate the effort required for similar tasks in future projects.

  • Billing and Payroll

    For organizations that bill clients by the hour or pay employees on an hourly basis, the project-based timesheets can be directly linked to billing and payroll systems.

  • Reporting and Analysis

    Detailed reports can be generated from the timesheet data, providing insights into project performance, resource utilization, and more.

Our project-based timesheets not only help in managing resources more effectively but also contribute to better project planning and execution.

Expense Management

Our platform provides a comprehensive expense management solution, streamlining the process of submitting, approving, and tracking business-related expenses.

EmployEz illustration for  Expense Management
  • Expense Submission

    Employees can easily submit expenses for approval. They can upload receipts, input expense details, and categorize the expense all within our platform.

  • Approval Workflow

    Our automated approval workflow routes each expense to the appropriate approver, ensuring a swift review process.

  • Real-Time Tracking

    Both the submitter and approver can track the status of each expense in real-time. They are notified when an expense is submitted, approved, denied, or reimbursed.

  • Policy Compliance

    The system can be configured to enforce your company’s expense policies, automatically flagging any expenses that don’t comply.

  • Integration with Accounting Systems

    Approved expenses are automatically synced with your accounting system for seamless reimbursement and accurate financial reporting.

  • Reporting and Analysis

    Detailed expense reports can be generated, providing insights into spending patterns, helping to identify cost-saving opportunities.

Our expense management feature simplifies the process of managing business expenses, reduces the chances of errors, and ensures policy compliance.

Android and iOS Mobile Apps

We offer intuitive and user-friendly mobile applications for both Android and iOS devices, providing access to our platform anytime, anywhere.

EmployEz illustration for Android and iOS Mobile Apps
  • Accessibility

    With our mobile apps, employees can access their data, submit requests, track their time, and more, right from their smartphones or tablets.

  • Real-Time Updates

    The apps provide real-time updates, ensuring employees have the latest information at their fingertips.

  • User-Friendly Interface

    Our mobile apps feature a user-friendly interface, making it easy for employees to navigate and find the information they need.

  • Security

    Just like our web platform, our mobile apps are secure, ensuring your data is always protected.

  • Integration

    The mobile apps seamlessly integrate with the full suite of EmployEz features, providing a consistent experience across all platforms.

With our Android and iOS mobile apps, employees can stay connected and productive, even when they’re away from their desks.

See EmployEz in action

Observe how employee goals are set and tracked.

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